Friday, December 30, 2011

More rollbacks

I worked Panda for an hour in the indoor, which was dark due to the lights not working well in rainy weather. I did a couple circuits at the canter but mostly focused on more trot work. Circles were better for circle at the post, and rollbacks into the wall are getting prettier. Her shoulder-in and half-pass at the walk are still fussy and lack softness in the mouth. But I was really happy with the trot work. We were doing soft circles on a loose rein with a stretched neck, and she is getting better at relaxing and standing still after a work session.

Brian rode Star in the curb again and had a good ride. She is ready for more intensive training now and is now officially "green broke."

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rollbacks at the trot

Today was a strong session, focusing on loose-rein at the trot. Many rollbacks into the wall, from a straight line and on the circle. She is not coming across much at all, but the wall is helping to teach her not to rush. She gave some good bursts of relaxed trot on a loose rein. Later I switched to the "circle at the post" exercise at the trot, which I'd like to do again. Today the circles were very sloppy. Both of these exercises need to be done at the canter once the trot work gets better.

Outdoors she was hesitant to lead and moving out like a drunk. She is fearful and pushy at the same time. Nevertheless, she is showing improvement and the Pink barn has the arena that we can make progress in.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Back to work

Panda moved over to the Pink Barn on Saturday. I've worked her 3 times since then, focusing on one-rein work and stepping over when she rushes. I'm starting at the walk and working up to the trot. She's doing well but still having trouble finding a slow trot or any kind of collection in the trot or canter. But I think I'm setting her up for more improvement soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

mustang practice

I set up a 40 x 40 square enclosure using string and rope so I could practice round penning on Panda. Worked on getting her eye without too much fuss and driving around. Sacked out with rope, feed sack, and plastic bag without a halter on.

In the saddle she is getting very light up front. She will sink in the hindquarters but rarely diagonalizes--more like tiny rears. The mobility is incredible, though. Anyway, it's too slippery to do anything but walk right now.